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Logic Clean 2 Station auto keg and Cask washer 


 Automated system allows fast and effective cleaning of containers saving countless man hours and difficult
 High output centrifugal pump enabling lower times and water usage than mains fed washers.
 Automatic temperature control on the 100 l caustic tank using 9kw electric element.
 Rugged stainless steel construction built to outlast the life of the machine.
 Full IFM sensor suite including solid state level detection known for being the market leader in reliability.
 Ultrasonic cask detection where appropriate to prevent accidental start-ups when containers aren’t loaded.
 All stainless control valves for fluid control within the machine.

 Automated acid dosing system to ensure a sterile finish.

 Dual tank system enables a full wash when mains pressure is below ideal.

Refurbished machine with Manufactures Warrenty in stock ready for imediate dispatch 

Please contact us for a quote 

Logic Clean 2 Station Keg and Cask Washer - Refurbished

    Pureweld Logo

    47a Holme Bank Mills


    West Yorkshire

    WF14 8NA

    Tel: 01924 489688


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